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  • 豆のまま


  • 粗挽き


  • 中挽き


  • 中細挽き


  • 細挽き


Full City Roast(深煎り) Honduras/Brazil/Colombia 軽井沢の爽やかかつ深い森。 深呼吸したくなる樹々の中、芳醇な草木の香りと木漏れ日を浴び、作らせて頂いたブレンドです。 心地よい苦味と、穀物を思わせるしっとりとした甘味をお楽しみ頂けます。 軽井沢の樹々の中を散策する心地よさに思いを馳せ、ご賞味ください。 "The refreshing yet profound forest of Karuizawa. This blend was created with inspiration from the fragrant aroma of lush trees, the gentle sunlight filtering through the leaves, and the invigorating feeling of taking a deep breath in the forest. Please enjoy the pleasant bitterness and the smooth, grain-like sweetness. As you savor this coffee, imagine the soothing experience of strolling through the serene woods of Karuizawa." 甘味  ●●●●○  Sweetness. 酸味  ●●○○○  Acidity. 苦味  ●●●○○  Bitterness. コク  ●●●●○  Body.
